What are the eligibility criteria?

  • The Sarah Ralston Foundation seeks to fund organizations serving vulnerable and underserved older adults residing in Philadelphia County. Organizations may be based outside of Philadelphia County.

How many years of operating experience must an organization have before applying?

  • A newly established organization (under 5 years old) is welcome to apply.

I’m a small nonprofit organization. Can I still apply?

  • Yes, you may, but please contact Lynette Killen for better understanding about your financials and goals.

What types of organizations does The Sarah Ralston Foundation fund?

  • We are open to applications from 501(c)(3) public charities, fiscally sponsored organizations/programs, and supporting organizations.
  • We look for organizations
    • where older adults can go to receive services and socialization (e.g., Senior Centers, Adult Day).
    • that provide in-home services (e.g., Home Maintenance Programs, Food Programs, but excluding those services paid for by insurance).
    • that provide programs that support those older adults living in the community (e.g., Information & Resources, Transportation, Food Programs, Companionship Services, and Virtual Programs).

What doesn’t The Sarah Ralston Foundation fund?

  • The Foundation does not give operating grants to programs and organizations that provide services to older adults who live in institutional settings e.g., a nursing facility or an assisted-living facility.
  • The Foundation does not give grants to individuals, for-profit entities, or government entities.
  • The Foundation does not give general operating support to organizations with more than a $5 million operating budget.
  • The Foundation does not fund outside of the following funding priorities: Access to affordable, equitable and high-quality care; Food insecurity; Behavioral and mental health issues; Caregiver support (family and significant others); Care coordination; Housing Programs; Homelessness; and Loneliness and Social isolation issues.
  • The Foundation will not purchase tickets, tables, ads, or sponsorships.
  • The Foundation will not directly contribute to endowments outside of a capital campaign or expenses related to new construction of a building.

Can I apply if my organization is outside of Philadelphia County?

  • Yes, you may. As long as you serve older adults residing in Philadelphia County.

My organization focuses on serving older adults who reside in Philadelphia County. Can I apply for more than one grantmaking area?

  • Yes! If you fit the eligibility and criteria of more than one local grantmaking area, you may apply.

Do you give multi-year grants?

  • The Foundation gives multi-year grants within Innovative Project Support. It does not give multi-year grants within General Operating Support.


How do I access an application that I’ve already started?

  • Please use this link to login to Foundant, our grantmaking management system.

Does the Foundation review letters of inquiry (LOIs?)

  • No. We accept direct applications. Contact Allison Cooper if you have questions about the application.

I missed the application deadline. Can I still apply?

  • If you anticipate a delay in meeting an application deadline, please contact Lynette Killen.

Does the Foundation give feedback if my application has been declined?

  • Yes, we will provide feedback about why your application was denied. Feel free to ask us any questions.

How often can I apply for a grant?

  • You are welcome to apply once a year for each local grantmaking area if you are eligible and there are no outstanding grants, including follow-up reports. You are welcome to apply for both General Operating Support and Innovative Project Support if you are eligible.

How often do grant recipients submit reports to the Foundation?

  • Generally, we ask for reports/updates to be submitted once a year following the completion of the year.

What does the Foundation do with the reports you submit?

  • We use the reports to inform the respective Committee and the larger Board about your work. We also like to make connections between partners based on the information in their reports. We like to share information about your efforts on our social media platforms and in other communications.


Does the Foundation offer extensions on reports?

  • Yes, we do. Please contact Lynette Killen to discuss requested extensions.

Can I change my proposal after I’ve received funding?

  • Please contact Lynette Killen to discuss anticipated and/or necessary changes.

Ready to Apply?

Click HERE to start your application